What Does "Feminists for Life" Tell Us About Palin?
Tuesday 02 September 2008
by: Marcy Bloom, RH Reality Check
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What a public relations boon for any organization. The Feminists for Life home page currently reads: "FFL Member nominated for Vice President of the United States ... According to the Anchorage Daily News published August 6, 2006, 'Palin said last month that no woman should have to choose between her career, education, and her child - she's a member [since 2006] of a pro-woman but anti-abortion group called Feminists for Life ... [Palin stated] I believe in the strength and power of women, and the potential of every human life.'"
What does this affiliation say about Palin? What is Feminists for Life? FFL's slogan is "Refuse to Choose: Women Deserve Better than Abortion." Co-opting genuine woman-focused language and values, and wrapping it in a false blanket of "woman-centered solutions" and alleged loving concern for women, FFL cleverly uses a "pro-woman, pro-life philosophy" and completely manipulates the feminist terminology of empowerment. Their web site speaks out on numerous issues of concern to women, such as violence against women, honor killings, coercive sterilization, literacy, child care, sex trafficking, and female genital mutilation. They support deceptive anti-choice crisis pregnancy centers as real solutions for women, with the centerpiece of their work being that abortion is exploitive, coercive, and always wrong and harmful, for any and all women everywhere, in every circumstance.
In 2002, while running for the office of lieutenant governor in Alaska, Palin wrote to the Alaska Right to Life Board and stated that she was as "pro-life as any candidate can be" and has "adamantly supported our cause since I first understood, as a child, the atrocity of abortion." She does not view rape and incest to be valid exceptions to her stance; the only exception that she supports is if the life of the woman is in danger. How very noble of the governor to care about women so deeply.
Of course, she shares John McCain's commitment to overturning Roe vs. Wade (although she has never flip-flopped on the issue, as he has) and she is a dangerous ideologue. She is also against gay marriage.
When discussing a ballot measure that would deny benefits to gay couples, she stated: "I believe that honoring the family structure is that important," obviously oblivious to the fact that her definition of family is incredibly narrow and that the diversity of all types of families should be celebrated. She is a self-described hockey mom, mother of five, is in favor of capital punishment, does not believe that global warming is human-made, is a long-time member of the National Rifle Association, and supports the teaching of both creationism and evolution in public schools. As would be expected, Sarah Palin also opposes medically accurate sexuality education programs and stated in 2006 that "she would fund [only] 'abstinence-until-marriage' education" (Juneau Empire, 9/20/06).
This belief now presumably has had an enormous impact on Palin's family per an announcement on Labor Day that her 17-year-old daughter Bristol is five months pregnant, will keep the child, and marry the father. The Palins further stated: "Bristol and the young man she will marry are going to realize very quickly the difficulties of raising a child, which is why they will have the love and support of our entire family. We ask the media [to] respect our daughter and Levi's privacy, as has always been the tradition of children of candidates."
I could not agree more that these are extraordinarily private and personal family issues that should not destroy the life and future of Bristol or her fiancé. This family needs to be left alone as they work through the impact of Bristol's pregnancy and how this will change her life. How good-and right- it is that Bristol has the support and love of her family and that Bristol made the decision on her own to keep her baby, as did her 44 year-old-mom with all five of her children. No one should judge this family, Bristol's sexual activity, or pregnancy, as this is what true choice is all about. Parenting is one of the most challenging jobs in the world, and motherhood is an aspect of Palin's résumé that prepares her for leadership (although not to be the vice-presidential nominee). I cannot help but wonder that if Bristol and her boyfriend had been exposed to a different type of discussion around sexual activity-medically accurate sexuality education - could this pregnancy have been avoided?
Bristol has made her choice - and all choices regarding unintended pregnancy need to be respected, honored, and supported, whatever they are. Women are moral and ethical decision-makers and they know when then are ready-or not- to bring a new life into this world. But that is not the stance of Sarah Palin. As a staunch religious conservative specifically selected to mobilize the religious right and close the gender gap-John McCain is trailing Barack Obama by 12 points among women, according to Emily's List - Sarah Palin is completely out of touch with the realities of the lives of women and families. As quoted in the August 31st Women's E-News, Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood of America, declared: "The last thing women need is a president - and a vice-president who are prepared to turn back the clock and repeal the protections of Roe vs. Wade." Yes, that is a frightening and chilling thought.
"Can You Cross Out 'Hillary" and Write in 'Sarah'?" queries Kate Zernike in Sunday's New York Times. For me, the answer is clear and transparent. NO. We undeniably need to keep fighting racism, sexism, homophobia, and a vast array of inequalities in the US. We absolutely need more diversity and far many more smart, perceptive, and well-informed women in leadership roles for the good of the country and the world. But not this anti-choice, pro-gun, and inexperienced woman governor.
To the Republicans I say - do not ever pander to me and don't you dare insult my intelligence. Do not give us a candidate who opposes everything that enhances the lives, health, and opportunities for women and children. But that is what you just did and shame on you.
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